Lingerie Care

How long should a bra last you?

GOOD Question.

The experts say 6 months to a year on average. We say there are a lot of factors to consider here.
1. How many Bras do you own? We recommend that you have 5 to 6 bras so you can rotate them. The more bras you have the longer they will last. Wearing the same bra everyday will wear it out quickly.

2. What size are you wearing? Not wearing the proper size bra can wear them out faster also if you wear a smaller size such as a B or C cup will always last longer than someone who is wearing a G or H cup. They have more work to do.

3. How do you wash your bra? Throwing your bras in the washing machine with no protection from other items in the washer will stretch them out. Strong detergents will ruin the elastic in the fabric. Never,Never,Never put your bras in the dryer. The heat from the dryer will break down the fibers and ruin the elastic.

Forever New Fabric Care Wash  

Soak - Modern Care for Fine Fibers